jazyk / language:   ČJ EN
STEO AF Power agency

The 15th International Specialized Conference

Waste to Energy 2024

Conference subtitle: Energy recovery of waste, waste management
The conference is organized in cooperation with STEO
(STEO - Association of Operators of Technologies for Ecological Waste Utilization)

4 - 5 April 2024, Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

Freyova 33, Prague 9, Czech Republic


4 April 2024, THURSDAY
8.15       Registration
9.00       Opening of the conference
9.05       Opening greetings/speeches
Aleš Bláha, Board of Directors, STEO (Association of Operators of Technologies for Ecological Waste Utilization
Siegfried Scholz, President, ESWET (European Suppliers of WtE Technology)
9.20 - 10.50       TECHNICAL PRESENTATIONS OF WTE OPERATORS, moderated by: Aleš Bláha
Damage to grates due to explosion of pressure vessels
Tomáš Žižka, Head of Maintenance and Investment Department, WtE Malesice, Prague
The overall concept of modern slag management
Tomáš Baloch, Ecologist and Waste Manager, WtE Malesice, Prague
Optimization of the operation of WtE Pilsen
Pavel Veselý, Head of Operations, WtE Pilsen
TERMIZO’s reaction to the replacement of steam pipelines for hot water pipelines by the Heat plant Liberec
Martin Křehlík, Technical Director, TERMIZO a. s. (WtE Liberec)
The state of WtE plant construction capacity in the Czech Republic. Legislative outlook
David Surý, Deputy General for Environmental Protection, Ministry of the Environment of the CR
Jan Maršák, Director of the Dep. of Circular Economy and Waste, Ministry of the Environment of the CR
10.50 - 11.10     Coffee Break
"Finding the culprit of egg contamination"
Jana Suzová, Environmental Specialist, WtE - SAKO Brno, a. s.
Pavel Veselý, Head of Operations, WtE Pilsen
Effective power production from different kind of organic waste, experience from 15 years operation
Reinhard Goeschl, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Anaerobic Power Biogas Benesov a.s.
Added-Value Carbon Capture: Resource & cost-efficient biogenic CO2 for CCS & e-fuel projects
Mohamed Magdeldin, Director, Carbon Capture, Sumitomo SHI FW

State-of-the-art trends in filter media for filtration of gases during waste incineration
Petr Musil, Remark-Kayser
LAB and flue gas treatment systems in WtE plants
David Boyer, Sales Director, LAB
Impact of IED/WI-BREF, rising energy cost and CO2-certificates to the design of FGT for WtE
Henning Bruns, LUEHR FILTER
12.50 - 13.40     Lunch
13.50 - 15.40     PRESENTATIONS -  ČAObH, Financing, Country Reports, moderated by: Vojtěch Doležal
Circular economy and the W2E concept
Miloš Kužvart, Executive Director, ČAObH (Czech Circular Economy Association)
The evolution of WtE: the Integrated Resource-Recovery Facility
Siegfried Scholz, President, ESWET
Possibilities of the Modernisation Funds for financing W2E projects
Oldřich Mužík, State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic
Possibilities and experience in commercial financing of waste management projects
Pavel Beran, Energy Finance Director, KB
Present and Future of Waste Management in Switzerland
Michael Hügi, Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU, Switzerland
Current situation of the thermal treatment of waste in Germany, taking into account the legal framework conditions
Markus Gleis, Umweltbundesamt, Germany
15.40 - 16.00     Coffee Break
16.00 - 16.40     PRESENTATIONS - Legislation, regulation
The new requirements from the Industrial Emissions Directive and carbon measurement
Maxime Pernal-Stoddart, Head of Environmental Policy, CEWEP (Confederation of European WtE Plants)
Rights and Obligations of Municipalities as Producers of Municipal Waste in the Selection of Terminal Equipment
Jan Lexa, act Řanda Havel Legal
16.40 - 18.30     PANEL DISCUSSION - on the topics of the conference
Peter Quicker, RWTH Aachen University of Technology of Fuels
Ondřej Krutílek, European Parliament, Head of Cabinet of A. Vondra
Václav Král, Member of Parliament, Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic
Maxime Pernal-Stoddart, Head of Environmental Policy, CEWEP
Siegfried Scholz, President, ESWET
Aleš Bláha, Board of Directors, STEO
Petr Havelka, Executive Director, Czech Association of Waste Management
Martin Hájek, Executive Director, Association for District Heating of the CR
18.30 - 24.00, banquet, wine, networking (Zodiac hotel restaurant)

5 April 2024, FRIDAY
8.00       Registration
9.00       Opening Speech
9.10       TECHNOLOGIES, moderated by: Vojtěch Doležal
State-of-the-art of sewage sludge treatment - Emission control and resource recovery
Peter Quicker, RWTH Aachen University of Technology of Fuels
Intelligent WTE cranes from Slaný for whole Europe
Arto Hujanen, Konecranes
Intelligent Technology Systems for Waste to Energy Operations
Leoš Voleský, Executive Director, ERITECH
Optimized flue gas cleaning and heat recovery with latest experience
Juuli Immonen, VALMET
Turbines for WtE
Tereza Kubíková, Project Manager, Business Drivers, Doosan Škoda Power
Trends in Emission Measurement
Michal Rejzek, SICK
10.30     Coffee Break
11.00     PANEL DISCUSSION of current WtE plant management and upcoming WtE projects management   moderated by: Blahoslav Němeček
  • Trends in waste management
  • WtE facilities in the context of the energy sector of the CR
  • Current status of EU legislation in the field of WtE
  • A comprehensive overview of upcoming projects
  • SEK - State Energy Policy, Amendment to the Energy Act
Introductory presentations:
Blahoslav Němeček, Partner, EY
Jaromír Manhart, State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic
Aleš Bláha, Director, WtE Malešice, Prague, Martin Křehlík, Technical Director, TERMIZO a. s., Karel Jelínek, Managing Director, SAKO Brno, a. s., Pavel Veselý, Plzeňská teplárenská, a. s.,
Miroslav Krpec, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Energotrans, a. s. (WtE Mělník),
Petr Mareš, Technical Director, United Energy, a. s. (WtE Komořany),
Ladislav Halász, Director of Innovation and Development, KOSIT, a. s. (Slovakia)
13.00     End of the conference, joint lunch





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